Daily Archives: December 14, 2015

Cardinal Tagle’s Message

The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila
121 Arzobispo Street, Intramuros, P.O. Box 132, Manila, Philippines, Tel. No. 5277631 Tel./Fax 5273955, 5273850


The poor love the Church. The anecdote in this book of the poor old woman who saved 100 pesos to give to the Church for the time wNIY_6030LAhen a priest would come to bless her home shows how purely the poor love the Church. There is no hidden agenda in their love for God, their love for the Church.

There is no doubt, too, that the Church loves the poor. This book chronicles the many ways, the many documents, and the many actions that show her love for the poor. But there is still one way by which the Church must completely love the poor. The Church must be poor.

Jesus Christ beckons the Church, calls out to us to “sell what you possess and give to the poor” and to “follow me.” Pope Francis has called on us to open our hearts to the poor. He even has given us a special time, the Holy Year of Mercy, to reflect on the Father’s mercy and to be merciful like Him. It is His mercy that directs us to see the poor, to love and serve them. It is His mercy that prompts us to embrace poverty, a space in our hearts and lives that opens up to God’s love and providence.

Fr. Jude has scholarly and personally expounded on the “Poor Church for the Poor.” Indeed it reveals the poverty in our nation today. And he shows ways on how we can be the poor Church for the poor. May our study of the poor make us poor so we can truly follow Jesus.


+Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle

Archbishop of Manila

Cardinal Tagle's Message




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